Monday, February 8, 2010

Where is the Satisfaction in Life?

 By Yasir Qadhi

There is one goal that each and every  object of creation strive throughout it's life and that is HAPPINESS.

Every act is aimed at arriving at this goal.

However amazingly the roads and paths are diverse. They can be through
  1. Acumulation of wealth 
  2. Power
  3. Fame and Recognition
  4. Satisfying sensual desire and lusts
  5. A combination of these

If we were to ask the people whom had reached the height of each of these ladders, "Have you finally arrived?" they will answer "No".

How can a person arrive at this tranquility that is sought by all creation?

"O you who believe, respond to the call of Allah and his messenger,when they call you to that which will give you the life that you seek."

Watch the lecture below: