Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just Reminding Myself

I remember one time Ustaz Muhammad telling us of the reason why Allah tests people of faith.

And that is to raise their standing amongst men and also in Allah's eyes - upon them succeeding in overcoming their challenges.

Which they do through perseverance, patience, prayer and constantly remembering Allah.

And Allah tests his servants only as to what can be shouldered by them.

And never despair of Allah's guidance and rewards, and always keep in gratitude of his Rahmah.


aj said...

la yukallifullohu nafsan illa wus'aha!

Zendra said...

Spot on Yub!

Zendra said...

Op lupalak, Glad you're betterr - naik setakok martabat aYub nampaknya.

Gukita said...

That is correct and directly from the Qur'an. However what is not evident is that Allah test us so WE CAN JUDGE OURSELVE at what level are we through our acceptance of the test. Allah donot need the result of the test to know our status!!!

When we have reached the maqam of Nafsul Mutmainnah (the verse on the right side of your blog page); Soul at Peace, then the purpose of test is no longer for ourselve, but for others because we have already passed and became The Calm at The Centre of The Storm; no matter how raging the storm is, the eye is always calm.

Others will see the effect of the test on us (may we be among them) and through this eleviate our status in the eye of men plus we become a `witness' for Allah's Words on earth... I dont know how much you can digest that.. I you cant, let it rest at that..

Zendra said...

Salam Sheikh. Good to have you stretching my mind again :-)

How would we know if we have achieved nafsul muttma'innah? Won't we then have to be insan kamil whereas perfection is beyond us? To me it's something like a moving goal-post - we have to forever strive to achieve muTTma'innah but we can never judge ourselves to have arrived, even when others seem to think that we have.

Would appreciate your further thoughts, or would they be too mind-boggling for me and I should just leave it at that?

Thank you, Sheikh

Gukita said...


We will never know when we have achieve that status, otherwise it is Ria' and that is opposite to the maqam. However you can FEEL that when you are tested, however you are tested, how great is the test, if your inner peace is not disturbed and you remain calm and forever in COMPLETE FAITH to Allah, forever expecting His Mercy, his Redha, you are almost there.

The reality is that it a lofty target but very rare reachable except to those favored by Him. However our role is not the outcome, but the EFFORT.

I have come across a person who was tested with mishap after mishap, each mishap bringing him closer to Allah. That person is just a normal man leading normal life, on top with internet and all the modern tools of technology. Each test pushed him nearer and nearer the brickwall till he has no where to go except putting all his faith in Allah, refusing to blame anybody and just accepting the trial and put complete acceptance to Allah. When he reached that state of resolve help come from unsuspecting area and he managed to overcome the trial and with it an inner contentment never known before.

He realised then that when he prays to Allah, his prayer is answered. Rain even stop short of his construction site, when it is raging just outside the site. (This is another form of trial). Fearing 'ujub he prays harder. He only shares his experience to me whom he believe could understand this and keep to myself. That is what he said..

You have to judge for yourself whether your heart is in that state of unshakeable contentment.

According to a book on Waliullah, there is 7 maqam from the base maqam of Bahimiyyah (animal nafs) to 7th State of Insanul Kamil which is the maqam of the prophets. The Nafsul Mutmainnah falls on the 4th maqam.


Zendra said...

Salam Sheikh, everytime I read your latest comment, I feel deeply moved. I'm not sure why, maybe it was because the experience of the person who had confided in you, or maybe because of your encouraging tone. But I think I will be coming back here time and time again just to read it, and be motivated by it insya Allah.
Thanks again.